This section contains help and support for customers, including frequently asked questions (FAQ's) for some of our products.
Our Terms and Conditions
Further help and information about our site, including our privacy policy and a guide to shopping online, returns and cancellations, VAT, tax and duty information.
Obsolete products
Further information about obsolete products and their recommended replacements.
If you need further help or advice, please feel free to contact us.

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*Christmas Holidays*
Please note that we are now closed for the Christmas Holidays until 2nd January. You can still place an order online during this time, but it will not be shipped until we return. We wish a MERRY CHRISTMAS to all our customers.
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FREE shipping
For Smartcard Focus orders over £99 ex-VAT to UK mainland
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Got an enquiry?
Email or call us on: +44 (0)1428 685250